It's true that creative financing and nothing down real estate courses and books are available everywhere-- But those courses and books are not cheap and they certainly aren't Free! The truly effective no money down techniques usually are closely guarded secrets that are revealed only after you have paid hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Even then, they usually consist of information that is mostly outdated or unusable in the real world. The no down real estate financing techniques and information that follows in this real estate course, is real, it's workable, and it's free.
Why am I giving away all of this information? For a number of reasons...
1. I'm a nice guy! Well maybe that's not the main reason, but it's part of it. :-)
2. Hopefully, if you need help financing a deal (No Down or otherwise), you will use our loan company or one of our other affiliates for your real estate financing needs. They have ALL First time buyer programs-- All No Money Down Programs-- Stated Income which means No Job, No Income, No Problem, provided you have reasonable credit-- have questionable credit? They have programs for that too. As a Nationwide lender, we deal with volume that gives options that other lenders just don't have.
3. If you get into an especially complicated transaction, maybe you will use our Consultation Services.
So you see, I haven't really given all of this to you with no hope of some return, but whether you EVER, use any of our services, the information is Here-- it's Yours. And it's And it's free. Please, don't make the age old mistake of thinking "you get what you pay for". I promise you, there is as much and more usable information on creative financing and no down techniques in these pages than courses that I've personally examined that have sold for over $500. There's a lot of valuable information here. Use it.
Good Luck
Bruce E Castro
As you have read you get a free no down and creative financing real estate techniques that you might not get even if you pay hundreds of dollars for those real estate courses and books. So if you want to buy real estate then you need to go to this website.