Finding the perfect loan for you is as much a creative art, as an exact science. The reality is that every house loan always has it's own unique set of individual strengths and weaknesses. No loan is perfect, in and of itself. The perfect home loan and financial structure is always created by tailoring it to fit your specific needs and circumstances, taking into account the attributes of both you and the subject property. As a nationwide lender rather than a broker you will not have to pay broker fees costing you less money! Because they interface with the secondary markets directly they are able to get an actual approval rather than just a prequalification within ten minutes of receiving and verifying your complete information. Do you have credit issues? Luckily with them it does not matter they can still get you into a new home and will help you fix your credit issues for free. After submitting the following information, just follow the simple instructions on the next page and they will also send you, the most effective comprehensive Credit Repair Courses and Information available, anywhere. Many have used these methods to improve their scores by 100 and even 200 points... and we send them to you for FREE! For these reasons if you want to buy a house with nothing down then you need to use the ASN home loan solutions.